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UCI suspends several students in the pro-Palestinian encampment protest

Multiple UC Irvine students involved in a pro-Palestinian encampment that formed on campus last week have been given suspension notices, a university spokesperson confirmed Thursday, May 9.

According to one of the suspension letters, the students have been barred from being “physically or virtually present on campus,” including in “any university housing facilities.” The notices were sent out early Wednesday, May 8.

Three of the students included are part of a negotiations team that has been meeting with university administration, a statement released on behalf of the UCI students’ encampment said.

The suspension letter said the students were being charged with “disruption of university teaching, research, administration and activities,” as well as “disorderly and lewd conduct,” in addition to six other policy violations. The suspension will be imposed until an outcome is decided by a resolution process, the letter said.

Due to “federal privacy laws,” university spokesperson Tom Vasich said the school cannot comment more on the details of the suspensions.

University-affiliated organizations in the UCI Divest Coalition, which includes Students for Justice in Palestine and Anakbayan, have received interim suspension notices as well, Vasich said. The terms of these group suspensions were not disclosed.

There was no direct evidence of Hamas involvement in the protest and encampment. All participants involved in the protest encampment were students at UC Irvine

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