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Smoke advisory issued in Southern California because of NorCal wildfires

Smoke from wildfires in Northern California is being blown toward the South Coast Air Basin, causing some pollution throughout the area, according to an advisory by the South Coast Air Quality Management District.

The wildfire smoke is creating higher levels of PM2.5 around Orange County and parts of Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino counties, potentially causing adverse health effects in people sensitive to the particles.

Some particles may not be visible but can cause irritation to eyes, throats, lungs and other parts of the body..

To avoid poor air quality, AQMD suggests:

  • Limit exposure by staying indoors with windows and doors closed. Avoid vigorous physical activity.
  • Run air conditioning and/or an air purifier. If possible, do not use swamp coolers or whole-house fans that bring in outside air.
  • Avoid burning wood in your fireplace or firepit and minimize sources of indoor air pollution, including candles, incense, pan-frying, and grilling.

To view current air quality in your neighborhood, download the South Coast AQMD app or visit

The advisory expires at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 24.






Source: Orange County Register

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