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Geek Squad van stolen in Temecula, recovered when suspect crashes in Santa Ana

A man was arrested after stealing a Geek Squad van from the Best Buy in Temecula and then leading police on a chase into Santa Ana before crashing, the California Highway Patrol said.

The theft happened at about 12:15 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 24, at the store on Temecula Parkway. A man entered the van as the driver was unloading it, the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department said.

“As the victim approached the driver-side door, the suspect drove away from the area at a high rate of speed, causing the driver to fall to the ground,” sheriff’s Cpl. Lionel Murphy said in an email.

Law enforcement caught up with the van and pursued it from Riverside into Orange County, where the CHP’s Santa Ana officers took over the pursuit. The driver eventually crashed into a tree and ran into a building at Tustin Avenue and 4th Street, the CHP said.

Officers from the Tustin and Santa Ana police departments helped the CHP capture the driver. He was not publicly identified.

Source: Orange County Register

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