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Coronavirus: Eight new deaths, 93 new cases in Orange County as of June 9

The Orange County Health Care Agency reported another eight deaths attributed to the coronavirus as of Tuesday, June 8.

The county has had 46 deaths in the past 14 days, according to a state health department database.

Of the eight people who died, one was a resident of a skilled nursing home; over all, of the 185 reported deaths since the start of tracking the virus in the county, 86 were among skilled nursing facility residents.

Some 76% of those who have died were older than 65.

The county also noted another 93 new positive tests have been reported in the last day, raising the total in the county to 7,614 since the start of testing in March.

The average number of new cases for the past seven days is 160 a day.

Of the 7,614 confirmed cases, 821 were residents in skilled nursing facilities and 384 were Orange County Jail inmates.

The county has also started releasing an estimate for the number of recoveries from the virus, which was about 3,372 as of Tuesday’s update.

The California Department of Health reports that there were 391 hospitalized patients (suspected and positive) in 33 hospitals across the county as of Tuesday.

The OCHCA data for Tuesday’s report was for June 7, and had 304 hospitalizations and 146 people in ICUs. Both totals are the highest reported to date.

Tuesday’s report noted another 1,236 tests had been given for the virus. The total tests conducted rose to 164,981.

The seven-day average trend for daily tests is 3,159.

The case rate for Orange County is about 23.6 cases per 10,000 residents.

The county’s breakdown of deaths by age is as follows:

  • 85 and older: 31% (58)
  • 75-84: 26% (48)
  • 65-74: 18% (34)
  • 55-64: 11% (21)
  • 45-54: 8% (14)
  • 35-44: 4% (7)
  • 25-34: 2% (3)
  • 24 and younger: 0%

Note: The map that shows each city’s cases per 10,000 people has had the scale adjusted to shades of five. The previous map is included below to show the adjustment.

Data posted each day is preliminary and subject to change, officials emphasize. More information may become available as individual case investigations are completed.

Old shade of map, changed on Thursday:

Testing totals for June 9:

Testing as of June 6:

Hospitalizations as of June 7:

Source: Orange County Register

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