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Coronavirus: 250 total deaths, 4,414 recoveries in Orange County as of June 18

The Orange County Health Care Agency reported seven more deaths attributed to the coronavirus as of Thursday, June 18, pushing the total number of people who have died in the county to 250.

There have been 86 deaths in Orange County in the last 14 days, during which time case loads in intensive care units have also increased. But, according to the state’s coronavirus-tracking dashboard, Orange County has 41% of its ICU beds still available.

Of the reported deaths since the start of tracking the virus in O.C., 128 have been among residents of skilled nursing facilities. Four resident deaths had been reported in the last day.

The county also noted another 132 positive tests in the last day, raising the total in the county to 9,292 cases since the start of testing in March. The seven-day average number of new cases per day in the county is 195, down from 204 reported in Wednesday’s updated.

Of the 9,292 confirmed cases countywide, 1,019 were residents in skilled nursing facilities and 387 were Orange County Jail inmates.

The county has also started releasing an estimate for the number of recoveries from the virus, which was 4,496 in Thursday’s report, up from 4,414 the day before. The recoveries are based on the prior 28-day cumulative case count minus current day mortality.

The California Department of Health reports that there were 425 hospitalized patients (suspected and positive) in 33 hospitals across the county as of June 18.

The OCHCA’s latest data, which is from June 16, included 345 hospitalizations and 144 people in ICUs. The Orange County data represents the 26 hospitals with emergency receiving centers and licensed ICU beds.

The cumulative countywide tests total rose to 199,015, with data through June 17. The seven-day average trend for daily tests is 3,306.

The California Department of Health reported that the positive test rate for Orange County has been 3.8% in the last 14 days, out of 60,921 tests.

The case rate for Orange County is about 28.8 cases per 10,000 residents, including deaths and recoveries.

The county’s breakdown of deaths by age is as follows:

  • 85 and older: 31% (78)
  • 75-84: 26% (64)
  • 65-74: 18% (45)
  • 55-64: 13% (33)
  • 45-54: 8% (20)
  • 35-44: 3% (7)
  • 25-34: 1% (3)
  • 24 and younger: 0%

About 18% of the cases in the county are 65 and older and they account for about 75% of the deaths.

Note: The map that shows each city’s cases per 10,000 people has had the scale adjusted to shades of five. The previous map is included below to show the adjustment.

Data posted each day is preliminary and subject to change, officials emphasize. More information may become available as individual case investigations are completed.

Old shade of map, changed June 3:

Orange County hospitalizations as of June 16:

Orange County testing totals as of June 17:

Orange County testing totals as of June 16:

Orange County testing totals as of June 15:

Source: Orange County Register

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