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Who is doing business on the Orange County Coast?

Orange County, much like large metropolitan areas, is home to many of the most current successful commercial business interests. Orange County’s coast has solid foundations in high-finance and banking, high-tech (if you include Irvine) and both commercial and residential real estate.

The Largest Employers in Orange County California
Orange County is home to some of the world’s largest companies.  The following is a list of the top 5 companies employing in Orange County’s.

1. The Walt Disney Company: 30,000
An employer supporting entertainment within Orange County, Disney has provided jobs both young and old in Orange County for more than a half century. During the COVID-19 pandemic, unfortunately this large scale employer had to lay-off many workers and shutter the park operations.

2. University of California, Irvine: 23,884
UCI is more that just a university in Orange County. UCI supports its own medical school and hospital which supports the county and offers a teaching environment for students.

3. County of Orange: 17,271
Well, what can be said about the overhead and costs associate with running a county? We did go bankrupt if anyone remembers that. In some ways I have it a sad state of affairs when the county itself is in the top 5 employers. I will make this political when I say it’s even stranger that this county tends to lean conservative where conservatives, in the past, tend to hate “big government” and bloat. I have a couple folks at county court I’d like to retire early.

4. St. Joseph Health: 14,000
There’s nothing to say about St. Joseph’s other than the county should thank god we have them and their health system here.

5. Kaiser Permanente: 8,178
Again, Kaiser has grown up to be an excellent health system and Orange County if blessed to have them.

Click here for a list of the top 20 employers in Orange County California

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