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Election 2018: What happened to Proposition 9 in California?

Proposition 9 sought to split California into three separate states.

Did you notice on your ballot Tuesday, Nov. 6, how the statewide measure skip from Proposition 8 to Proposition 11?

Whatever happened to Proposition 9?

The measure, which sought to divvy up California into three separate states, was removed from the ballot after an environmental group called the Planning and Conservation League challenged it in the California Supreme Court.

The court ordered Proposition 9 removed from the ballot because the act of splitting California into three separate states isn’t something that can be accomplished by initiative alone and would require many steps at the state and federal level to be successful.

Meanwhile, if you want to find out what happened to the 11 California propositions that did make it to the ballot, start right here.

Source: Orange County Register

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